Cape to Cape Trail

Upcoming Events

Our group encourages participation in our project through a variety of events. Join us for trail building activities, ladies days or come out and hike the trail as part of a group. If you'd like to add an activity, please contribute!

Jitney Trail: Sunday, February 18, 2018
Location: Jitney Trail Bridge, 1:00 p.m.

Must pre-register at

Snowshoes will be provided (must register/request snowshoes)

Park at the Jitney Trail bridge on Highway 376 to Lyon's Brook, approximately 0.5 km west of the Pictou Rotary on Trans-Canada Highway 106.

Sponsored by Cape to Cape Trail Committee and Town of Pictou Recreation & Parks

Alasdair Veitch

For more information on upcoming events or general inquiries, please contact the Pictou County Cape to Cape Trail Group at (902) 485-5404 or email